: "God does not exist, we were the
ones who made all life on earth, "you mistook us for gods
and distorted our teachings of love" "we now reveal how
to realise your potential and achieve global peace" "- Yahweh.
free books
: Exert your right to freely chose
your religion.
Stop child abuse by catholic priests: child abuse by sexually
starved priests is rampant in the catholic church and yet
covered up and ignored by the authorities.
: Impartial dating system:
most people in the world are not Christian, but be they
Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Shinto, Raelian or Atheist,
they have to accept the domination of the christian dating
system that today is the year 2002. It is time to have an
impartial date based on a event which is important to every
human, such as the founding of the UN or the bombing of
Hiroshima so as never to forget.